Sunday Punch director, Alan Powell, was quite excited to learn that Sunday Punch, the film he wrote and directed, has won Best Short at the inaugural Open World Toronto Film Festival. The OWTFF will be held this Sunday, October 25th at the historic Fox Cinema in the heart of downtown Toronto.
Though Powell will not be in attendence he will be recording a video acceptance speech from his home in London, England. "It pleases me no end to know that I have been awarded Best Film at a festival that's taking place in my hometown. It's where we shot the film. It's where it all began. It's where all my friends and family are too. So the recognition in Toronto is an extra special honour." The OWTFF entries were judged on quality of craft and creativity. Their goal is to help artists gain publicity, media exposure, and momentum, as well as pay Tribute to their Ingenuity.
Sunday Punch was filmed in 2013 just before Powell moved to the United Kingdom. It was funded by the Ontario Arts Council, a crowd funding campaign and a generous donation from the Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre in Ontario. It won Best Short at Reel Islington Film Festival in London,England, a Canadian Cinema Editors Award for Best Editing (by Erin Deck) and was a finalist in the Canadian TV program Short Film Face-Off for CBC airing on national television.
Festival screenings to date have included stops in Switzerland, Poland, Australia and Japan. It was also selected by Telefilm Canada, National Film Board of Canada and SODEC to screen at the Shortest Day Celebration 2014, a three day event where it was released in 31venues across Canada. It was picked up for distribution by Spiritual Cinema Circle and is available On Demand at Gaiam TV.
Since releasing Sunday Punch, Powell has produced and directed two more short films; Phone Box (2014) which is also a muliple award winner and As One. The later, which he wrote as well, stars, Men Behaving Badly UK sitcom actor, Neil Morrissey and the two time Olivier award winning actress Janie Dee. Plans for a fall 2015 festival release are underway.